Thursday, 16 October 2014

Penelope Cruz Is Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive

Penelope Cruz is Esquire Magazine’s Sexiest Woman Alive. The sultry brunette actress has graced the screen in such blockbusters as “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” and now she herself is being celebrated for attributes aside from her acting abilities that are best captured in photos.

Yes, the 40-year-old Oscar-winning Spanish actress graces the cover of the November issue of Esquire as per tradition and is featured in an enticing photo spread so as to convince readers that the editors have made the right choice. What a choice?! There are many “sexiest women” among celebrities and entertainers, so who’s to say how that mysterious process of selection arises. The cover sees her in a one-piece black swimsuit which reveals as her much of cleavage as the magazine can get away with and not shunted off to the porno section of the newsstand.

However it happened in this, the second decade of the 21st century, decades after feminism was to put an end to such “grading” by looks, nonetheless we have yet another “sexiest woman alive.” Penélope Cruz replaces Scarlett Johansson who held the title twice — if we can call it that — both on 2006 and last year, 2013. As she has dethroned others twice, now she herself is dethroned (and all the while off to her life beyond sexy pictures and the fantasies of untold numbers.

Yes, Penélope Cruz is the “winner” and if one is curious to know more about her (rather than immediately clicking over to the pictures) one has to scroll through quite a bit of the story of Madrid, Spain and bullfighting and the romantic lure of matadors. Finally, the diligent reader is rewarded with some interview tidbits.

What does she have to say? Of herself and her career, Penelope Cruz says, ““I’ve played a lot of tricks on myself…I’ve made it hard for me sometimes, especially in my teens and twenties. I had an attraction to drama. Most of us have that, especially if you are an artist—you feel like you are tempted to explore the darkness. I could not be less interested now. For me, the most attractive, charming, cool, fun, interesting thing—how could I call it? A plan.”

The full story is online. The photos are here and the feature article and the profile and interview are here. And with that, the “sexist woman alive” tradition continues.

Pictures: PR Photos


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